Friday, July 11, 2008

iPhone DENIED!

Our whole family made it to the AT&T store on Patton just before 8:00. There was no parking, and there were about 30 people in line. The store on Hendersonville Rd is a little bigger. We were there by 8:20. There were at least 40 people in line outside and about 20 already in the store. The Seventh Customer came out with a new iPhone. He had arrived at the store at 5:35. There were only 4o iPhones in the store, but you could stand in line to pay today and they would call you when your phone arrived.

We left.

Haig "needs" a new iPhone to test for work. I have been using a phone from the junk drawer for over two years. I don't need anything, but I do think I would learn how to use an iPhone more quickly if I got one when Haig did.

Haig's current work plan doesn't allow him to receive texts, so we were missing out on a good communication tool. He can receive email on his Blackberry, but I'm not always at my computer. I like emailing or texting him because it's less intrusive than calling. I've tried Twitter. I really like it, but there was no one who could/would receive my twits, so what's the point? Now I think I can post my twits to my blog. That might be cool, just for fun. (They do call them twits, don't they? Right now, all I can think of is the book by Roald Dahl.)

Haig's company is moving over to providing some reimbursement credit for employees' cell phones, rather than providing and supporting them. Now he can have texting! But if we have iPhones, I guess we can email. The possibilities are overwhelming.

We will have to wait a while, though!


tech teacher said...

An iphone is beginning to look pretty attractive... I think the twits might possibly be tweets, but I haven't twitted or tweeted myself.

Theda Rudd said...

You are so right; no one would willing make more twits! Thanks for clearing that up!