Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Creative Summer Days!

I will not be able to blog about each of the other workshops I attended. My energy is being directed in other ways. I woke up this morning with several items for my To Do list. I found my Getting Things Done-style notebook and tried to write everything down. (And now I need to go consult the GTD book because I can't remember what's an "Action List" and what's a "Project/Goal.")

I love being a teacher in the summer. I feel extraordinarily creative. Next school year is a blank slate, and the possibilities are endless. Most every day, I spend hours thinking about what I might do with my students and how I can help make SILSA a more successful school. And I am not doing this because I feel like I should do it; this is truly how I like to spend my time.

I try to limit myself to just a few hours of schoolwork in the morning. In the summer, my kids love staying up late and sleeping in. I am fine with this because I think they are naturally adjusting their schedule so they can spend more time with Dad. If I wake up at 6:00, I can have three or maybe four quiet hours for work.

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