Sunday, September 14, 2008

_Spore_ Is Biology

I wanted to upload a picture from my iPhone of my brother-in-law playing Spore with my nine year-old niece and my seven year-old son eagerly looking on. I know little about Spore, but, from my vantage point, I am hearing tons of great biology. My little guy worried about a creature with tusks eating another. "But tusks aren't for eating!" said my b-i-l. I hear lots of conversation about the advantages of being herbivores or carnivores. There was a discussion of the benefits of having a carnivore in the group for protection against other creatures but an acknowledgement that the carnivore might pose a threat within the group. Of course, I also hear all of the problem-solving associated with being in a new world and discovering the rules of that world while they are trying to survive in it. Wow!! Can my kids please play this game in school, as a part of science class?